Friday, January 23, 2009

How time goes by when your not looking

Today is my youngest brother's 10th birthday. Trevor is 10 years old. First word that come to my mind is WOW! Where does the time go? I can remember bottle feeding him and changing his diapers. Also, Trevor is entering those great pre-teen years, I have taken stalk on the time that has passed since he was born. Also, the grim realization that next I will will be turning a mile marker age as well. The BIG 30. Thats right, I am turning 30 one month and 4 days from now. Time is a strange thing. It creeps up on you when your not looking. One moment your 21 years old, partying it up in Montreal and like that, your pushing 30 and excitement consists of reading books and going to Church functions. Father time is both a friend and an enemy of the human existence.

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